Info Lowongan Kerja


Hello guys!

Otoritas Jasa Keuangan is hiring two talented and hard-working individuals to work as contractor employees. Both will work as financial analyst and financial modeler in Financial System Stability Directorate. The contract will last for four months, from Sep 1 to Dec 30.

Financial analyst job:
-assist senior analyst to deliver weekly and monthly report to Board of Commissioner (Anggota Dewan Komisioner)
-perform due diligence on ad hoc tasks
-conduct analysis on financial market movements

Financial modeler job:
-assist senior analyst to build and/or recreate OJK Macro Model
-research on econometrics model
-do projections and simulations based on requested variables

Job Requirements :
– Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree on Econ/Finance/Math
– Fresh graduates are welcome to apply, but experience on financial modeling are preferred
– High expertise on operating Eviews
– Advanced Excel modeling skills
– Strong report writing skills with good attention to details

If you are interested to join us, please send your CV and cover letter to by August 10, 2018. Should you work with us, you will earn IDR7 mio/month and superior information and access to financial industry. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Thank you

Buat yg ada info lowker bs email kita ke

Akan kita repost

Silahkan bagi yg memenuhi kriterianya silahkan mendaftarkan diri


Dibutuhkan segera Tenaga Pendidik / Guru di SD TAHFIDZ ROUDLOTUL QUR’AN, alamat Jl. Lingkar Demak Km. 6 Desa Mranak Kec. Wonosalam Kab. Demak
Posisi yg di butuhkan :
1. Guru Kelas, syarat S1 PGSD (Diutamakan laki²)
2. Guru Mapel Bhs. Inggris, syarat Jur. Pendidikan Bhs Inggris
3. Guru Penjas/olahraga, syarat S1 jur. Pendidikan olahraga.

Silahkan ajukan lamaran di alamat tersebut pada jam kerja (7.30 – 12.00)
Info : Rohmad
Cp : 085876191717





Telah dibuka•••Walk In Interview•••

Di Bulan Agustus untuk tamatan dari SMA-SMK S1,D1,D3

✓ Untuk diposisikan dikantor dibagian HRD, ADMIN dan STAFF KANTOR.
✓Kantor dibawah naungan Departemen Perdagangan RI

Info lebih bisa Hub/Wa
Ibu Lia Zamora 085215859618